On Emotions in Business

When they are NOT useful

Mo' Lanee Sibyl, DPh, PhD


“Don’t mix business with pleasure” is a prevalent phrase we hear a lot in movies. Still, in my own experience, it is “don’t mix business with emotions.” Often it is not as easy as it sounds; the lines become blurry, and being objective is difficult.

Not so long ago, I found myself in such a position where I needed to cast emotions aside to make an important decision. I shared my ordeal with my homegirl, Bimpe Shode, who has now been on the show three times! It was quite an intense conversation, but trust Bimpe to make me…



Mo' Lanee Sibyl, DPh, PhD

I'm ME: replete with the mien of a bard, scholar, Argonaut, Jesus-lover, funfinder, bibliophile, Koreanophile, partner, and wanderer! Podcaster:www.mosibyl.com