Overcoming Stigma, Addiction, and Cultural Perspectives
목적이 이끄는 삶| Rebuilding Lives: The One with Stephen Buckley: Episode 9 (2024)
“Starting a business, I’ve learned that when dealing with incarcerated or formerly incarcerated individuals — and people in general — we need to extend grace with standards. The standard might be showing up at 10 o’clock every day. However, there are times to extend grace, such as after a death in the family or a car wreck, while still exercising wisdom. For instance, someone with child trafficking charges shouldn’t work with children. We must be strategic about roles and use wisdom, along with a deep amount of prayer. There’s much I don’t know yet, and I’m figuring it out as I go.” — Mr. Buckley (2024)
“Hopes and aspirations for myself: Man, I want to impact hundreds of thousands of people. I would love to provide thousands of jobs for people who are homeless or formerly incarcerated and would love to see hundreds of thousands of people’s lives radically changed — breaking generational strongholds or curses, social reproduction as some call it too. I would love to see my life impact others in that way. So, that is some of the main desires for my life — to impact people in that way.” — Mr. Buckley (2024)
In this episode of The More Sibyl Podcast, I had the pleasure of hosting Stephen Buckley on the Podcast. Stephen is someone whose life mission revolves around connecting formerly incarcerated people with resources and opportunities. Our…