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The Beauty and Growth of Africa
Chat with Muloongo Muchelemba of Ongolo: Episode 17 (2022)
African laws and culture really put humans and families first and at the center. And the world can learn from this. What we need to do is infuse technology and best practices and advertise it to the world. — Muloongo 2022.
We have a returning guest on the podcast! Muloongo was last with us in 2018, and it’s great to have her back.
She is a fierce advocate for Africa, a Pan-African thought leader who blogs about African and global issues on her platform, ONGOLO. Her mission is to change the narrative about Africa as a continent with little to offer Africans and the rest of the world. Her blog provides news, insights, and analysis on business, economy, lifestyle, people, politics, sports, and travel. She has a global audience of people with a passion for Africa. She also has a lot of career experience across sectors, including oil and gas and management consulting, and she shared what she’s learned with us.

She just moved back to London from Singapore and told us how she prefers Singapore for being safer, cleaner, and generally better to live in. A Zambian-British, she has…