Member-only story
The One With Natasha
On being Russian — American and other stories
Describing Russia in a 1939 radio broadcast, Winston Churchill said, “It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” Like a matryoshka doll, one might say?

Natasha is a dear friend and senior in graduate school who was also a guest on the podcast last year. She’s an intellectual and I am honored to have her on AGAIN, this time alongside Ayomide.
Natasha teaches at Western England University, College of Pharmacy. She does research in health economics, outcomes, and pharmacy practice. She’s an avid reader who has recommended great reads for me. She’s a hiker, thinker, and proud Russian. She serves as an associate editor for top pharmacy, some very good journals in pharmacy.
A voracious reader, she reads books simultaneously. One astonishing piece of info about her is at any time- that you may find about 12 books stacked in her room at a time when people don’t seem to read so much anymore. Despite the stress of pharmacy school, she continued reading voraciously and widely because it helps her stay stimulated: “Reading has depression- tackling and therapeutic effects and it’s so disturbing that we don’t use such a simple tool anymore.”