Zindabad Afghanistan

With Arzo Yusuf — Afghan-American, Social Entrepreneur, and TEDx Speaker

Mo' Lanee Sibyl, DPh, PhD
4 min readSep 16, 2021

“I felt like my identity was shattered. When you are from a land, no matter where you move to, you are connected to that land. A land has a soul, and it feels surreal to have that land being invaded.”

— Arzo Yusuf

In her TEDTalk video, which went viral, Nigeria’s Chimamanda Adichie warned of the danger of a single story. And that message is one that is very relevant to the premise of today’s story. There are a lot of single stories and half-truths that are being pushed by the media. In this week’s episode, we have the privilege of listening to an Afghan-American talk about Afghanistan and her organization’s work for those rescued from the war in the country.

Image by Chickenonline from Pixabay

Arzo is not new to the podcast. She is the CEO and Founder of ‘Sexy Boss Babe’; over the years, she has done a lot of work for trafficking and fostering kids’ foundations. In this episode, she shared a lot about Afghanistan as a beautiful multi-ethnic country — one thing most people don’t know because it is not mostly talked about in the media. She also talked about being born in Afghanistan when it was under monarchy rule. Unlike now that there is a bit of democracy, in the 1970s, they started to try to move Afghanistan to westernization. Women could freely…



Mo' Lanee Sibyl, DPh, PhD

I'm ME: replete with the mien of a bard, scholar, Argonaut, Jesus-lover, funfinder, bibliophile, Koreanophile, partner, and wanderer! Podcaster:www.mosibyl.com